Terms of use

General terms and conditions of use for the choco-diffusion sa website/Data protection/Disclaimer



Please read carefully the General terms and conditions of use for the CHOCO-DIFFUSION website. By using the website www.choco.ch, you agree to abide by the General terms and conditions. The information relating to these General terms and conditions applies exclusively and solely to the website www.choco.ch. We reserve the right to change the information and rules governing this website at any time. Any information on this website may be changed without prior notice and with immediate validity. We recommend that you regularly read the General terms and conditions of use in order to keep up to date with any changes. The terms "we", "our company" and "CHOCO-DIFFUSION" refer to the company CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA, established in 2322 Le Crêt-du-Locle, Switzerland. "You" refers to any person or internet user accessing the website www.choco.ch.

Intellectual property and other rights

CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA (a CD Group Company) is the sole owner and operator of this web portal. All trademarks, names, titles, text, logos, images, photos and other elements reproduced on the website www.choco.ch are the sole property of CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA with regard to copyright, trademarks or other intellectual property rights. Copying pages, downloading or displaying on the website screen does not confer any legal rights on you (right of ownership, right of use, etc.). Therefore, reproductions of any part of this website may not be sold or distributed for commercial purposes, and may not be modified or incorporated into any other works, publications or websites. The use of the website by third parties for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.


CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA accepts no liability and may not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage (including that caused by negligence on your part) suffered during access to the website, or due to the inaccessibility of all or part of this website, as well as its use. Likewise, CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA may not be held responsible for any problems resulting from your use of and access to the website, its use, your inability to use it, saving or archiving of data, which cannot be guaranteed.

The website www.choco.ch contains links to third party websites not owned by CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA, nor operated or monitored by CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA. We accept no responsibility with regard to the access and content of these websites, or for compliance with the legal provisions governing data protection and the General terms and conditions of use on the part of their operators and owners. CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA accepts no responsibility for the security of data transferred via the internet. The internet is an open network accessible to all, and therefore does not constitute a secure environment. By accepting these General terms and conditions of use, and subject to applicable rights, you agree to waive any claim against CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA, its managers, directors and employees, that may result from your use of this website.

Data protection

CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA only collects personal data that you have supplied voluntarily, or which is necessary for the operation of our various services. You may send us your details in order to receive information on our products or the CHOCO-DIFFUSION GROUP brands, or to participate in competitions or surveys organised by CHOCO-DIFFUSION GROUP SA. Any personal data sent will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Federal Act of 19 June 1992 on data protection. CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA guarantees that your personal data will NEVER be divulged or sent outside the company, or to third parties wishing to use it for marketing or commercial purposes, without your permission, or unless required by applicable law, in particular if requested by a competent judicial or administrative authority. Your personal data may be stored in the CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA database and the others CD Group Companies. You may request the deletion, correction or amendment of any personal data you have sent us simply by emailing choco@choco.ch or by writing to CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA, Service Consommateur, Rue de la Jambe-Ducommun 15, 2400 Le Locle, Suisse.

Cookies, Google Analytics & Facebook

The website www.choco.ch uses the third-party services of Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc., and plugins from Facebook Inc. These services collect information using temporary or permanent cookies which also help us to adapt our web portal to your requirements. Cookies are files temporarily saved on your computer that can be reactivated when you next visit the website www.choco.ch. They are used to analyse your use of this website and your browsing habits. These cookies only contain your IP address, and not your name. Once you close the web portal, CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA no longer has access to the information contained in the cookies. Each browser is set to take into account your preferences relating to the cookies. You are solely responsible for the procedure to save cookies on your computer. By using this website, you accept that your data will be processed by Google Analytics and Facebook as mentioned above for the purposes described.

General terms and conditions

These Regulations are an integral part of the General terms and conditions of use for the website www.choco.ch that govern the use of this website. This text may be modified or updated at any time without prior notice. By using this website, you accept the Terms and conditions of use and the various provisions governing Data protection, as well as the Disclaimer.

Assistance and contact details

If you have any questions, or if for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us at:

Postal address:

                CHOCO-DIFFUSION SA
                Service Consommateur
                Rue de la Jambe-Ducommun 15
                2400 Le Locle

Email: choco@choco.ch

Thank you for visiting www.choco.ch